Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 1980 January sold out - for now!

January #23 (v4 #1)

Isaac Asimov - Anniversaries (editorial) 6
Somtow Sucharitkul - Darktouch 18
Christine Watson - Lies, All Lies 42
Martin Gardner - Titan's Titanic Symbol 44
Sharon Webb - Switch on the Bull Run 46
Barry B. Longyear - Project Fear 60
W.T. Quick - Rest in Pieces 90
Fan D. Ango - The Curse 97
F. Gwynplaine Maclntyre - For Cheddar or Worse 98
Jerry Craven - A Matter of Etiquette 100
Arlan Keith Andrews, Sr. - The Rime of the Ancient Engineers 108
Frederik Pohl - Like Unto the Locust (Part II) 110

Index 1977-1979 169



Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 1980 February sold out - for now!
February #24 (v4 #2)

Isaac Asimov - One More Time (editorial) 6
George O. Smith - Margaret Winter Campbell 10
Gene Wolfe - The God and His Man 20
T.W. O'Brien - Mascot 28
C.R. Faddis - Caduceus 34
Martin Gardner - Professor Cracker's Antitelephone 36
Dian Girard - Of Days Gone By 70
Ted Reynolds - Millennial 78
Susan Casper - Title Find 99
S. Dale - Aftenoon for Phantoms 100
Juleen Brantingham - My Sister's Eyes 102
James Gunn - On the Tinsel Screen: Science Fiction and the Movies 112
Richard D. Orr - A Little Incorrectness 128
Sharon Webb - Variation on a Theme from Beethoven 138



Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 1980 March sold out - for now!
March #25 (v4 #3)

Isaac Asimov - The Sun and Moon (editorial) 6
Sydney J. Van Scyoc - Darkmorning 18
Mike Buckley and Darcy Giene - The World's First SF Acrostic Limerick ... So Far 37
Martin Gardner - Vacation on the Moon 38
Joanne Mitchell - Heritage 40
Grant Carrington - Hark, Hark, the Quark 45
F. Gwynplaine Maclntyre - Martian Walkabout 46
Ardis Waters - Storyteller 60
Rory Harper - Psycho-Stars 68
Peter Payack - Cosmic Cowboys 78
John Kelly - One Kidnapped Clicka 80
Chuck McMichael - Missing the Points 91
Barry B. Longyear - The Book of Baraboo 92
John M. Ford - Probe In Outerspace, Nearly Extrasolar, Elicits Response 166



Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 1980 April sold out - for now!
April #26 (v4 #4)

Isaac Asimov - Editorial: The Solar System 6

Joan D. Vinge - The Storm King 18

Martin Gardner - Lucifer at Las Vegas 48

Grendel Briarton - Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: V!! 49

Carter Scholz - Travels 50

Sally Palmer - Love Song for the Eighties 62

James Gunn - On the Foundations of Science Fiction 64

Sheridan A. Simon - The Eumenides in Koine 85

Lee Weinstein & Darrell Schweitzer - Relatively Speaking 94

A. Bertrand Chandler - Grimes and the Great Race (novelette) 96

Jo Clayton - Southwind My Mother 122



Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 1980 May  sold out - for now!

May #27 (v4 #5)

Isaac Asimov - Editorial: The Letter Column 6

Charles N. Brown - On Books: The Best of 1979 11

Richard Sean McEnroe - Wolkenheim Fairday 20

Martin Gardner - Weird Numbers from Titan 42

Stephen Tall - The Hot and Cold Running Waterfall 44

Argus - Glitterbug 65

Ralph Roberts - A Sailor’s Delight 66

David J. Hand - The Sampler 70

Sharon N. Farber - Ann Atomic’s Space Cases 77

Isaac Asimov - For the Birds 82

Milton A. Rothman - On Faster-Than-Light Paradoxes 91

David Andreissen & D. C. Poye - If You Can Fill the Unforgiving Minute 110



Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 1980 Junesold out - for now!
June #28 (v4 #6)

Isaac Asimov - Editorial: Welcome, Sibling! 6

Somtow Sucharitkul - Rabid in Mallworld 20

Martin Gardner - Off We’re Going to Shuttle 45

Peter Allen David - Alternate Genesis 46

Craig Miller - Under the Rainbow: Science Fiction in Hollywood 49

Jeff Duntemann - Cold Hands 58

Jon L. Breen - The Day of the Trifles 78

Gordon Dykstra - Broken Toys 85

Larry Tritten - Land of the Great Horse Laughs 99

Ted Reynolds & William F. Wu - Alien Lover 104

Peter Payack - Dust 114

Cam Thornley - Last Quarter 115

Richard Sean McEnroe - Skinner 116



Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 1980 Julysold out - for now!
July #29 (v4 #7)

Isaac Asimov - Editorial: Serials 6

Shawna McCarthy - Karl Kofoed 23

Somtow Sucharitkul - Sing a Song of Mallworld 28

Martin Gardner - The Backward Banana 54

James Gunn - On Variations on a Robot 56

John M. Ford - Out of Service 82

Sharon Webb - Transference 92

Coleman Brax - The Man in the Rover 101

F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre - That Settles That 109

Juleen Brantingham - Good Fences 110

Grendel Briarton - Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: V!!! 121

E. Hoffmann Price - The Mirror of Ko Hung 122



Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 1980 August sold out - for now!
August #30 (v4 #8)

Isaac Asimov - Editorial: Double Dactyls Revisited 6

Sydney J. Van Scyoc - Stonefoal 18

John Stallings - Et Tu 35

Martin Gardner - The Queer Story of Gardner's Magazine 36

Tim Colley - The Worth of a Man 38

Sharon N. Farber - Trans Dimensional Imports 40

Steve Barnes - Endurance Vile 53

Andrew M. Greeley - On Star Trek as Liturgy 63

Robert Frazier - Haiku for the Space Shuttle 69

Bill Warren - It’s Okay to Like the Star Trek Movie 70

Somtow Sucharitkul - Light on the Sound 84



Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 1980 September How To Order

September #31 (v4 #9)
Copy for sale: very good - £8.00

Isaac Asimov - Editorial: Family Matters 6
Jack C. Haldeman II - A Tale of Two Cities 11

Poul Anderson - Einstein’s Distress 27

Carl Holzman - Penzias’s Phone 27
Martin Gardner - No Vacancy at Aleph-Null Inn 28

John M. Ford - On Playing Rôles: A Second Look 30

Sharon Webb - Niche on the Bull Run 42
Lisa Tuttle - A Spaceship Built of Stone 53
John M. Ford - Hot Pursuit 70
Tim Colley - When Chessmen Walked 86
J. O. Jeppson - A Pestilence of Psychoanalysts 88
Jeff Duntemann - Guardian 96
Sharon Webb - Rare Bird 112

Milton A. Rothman - On Designing an Interstellar Spaceship 114
Somtow Sucharitkul - Dear Caressa or This Towering Torment 146



Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 1980 October How To Order
October #32 (v4 #10)

Copy for sale: very good - £8.00

Isaac Asimov - Editorial: The Mosaic and the Plate Glass 6

John M. Ford - The Wheels of Dream 20

Martin Gardner - Robots of Oz 53

Skip Wall - Outsider 55

Tim Colley - Smile 66

Pat Murphy - Touch of the Bear 68

Poul Anderson - Heinlein’s Stories 81

Poul Anderson - Clausius’ Chaos 81

Jon Inouye - The Axioms of Science Fiction 83

Avram Davidson - Peregine: Perplexed 84



Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 1980 November sold out - for now!
November #33 (v4 #11)

Isaac Asimov - Editorial: My Autobiography 6

Sydney J. Van Scyoc - Laughing Man 20

Jane Yolen - The Fossilot 40

Martin Gardner - G. Hovah’s Decision Paradox 41

Algis Budrys - The Empire Talks Back 44

John M. Ford - Slowly By, Lorena 60

Ken Duffin - Meeting Place 76

Barry B. Longyear, John M. Ford & George H. Scithers - What’s Wrong with This Picture? 77

Rudy Rucker - On Hyperspherical Space and Beyond 92

F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre - Improbable Bestiary: The Centaur 107

Ralph Roberts - Oh the Things Those Galaxies Say! 108

Barry B. Longyear - Catch the Sun 114



Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 1980 December sold out - for now!
December #34 (v4 #12)

Isaac Asimov - Editorial: What Makes Isaac Run? 6

Barry Longyear and Kevin O'Donnell, Jr. - Bloodsong 20

Martin Gardner - Tube Through the Earth 40

Robert Frazier - Haiku for the Apollo Asteroid Miners 42

John M. Ford - On Playing Rôles: A Third Look 43

Jack C. Haldeman II - Eight Ball Blues 53

Gerald Pearce - The Deicides 64

Susan Casper - At the Hugo Banquet 88

J. O. Jeppson - The Beanstalk Analysis 89

Claire Mahan - Harrison’s Rat 96

Marion H. Smith - Heisenberg’s Date 96

Robert J. Schadewald - Is the World in Curious Shape? 97

Edward Wellen - Checkmate 107

Hope Athearn - Anger in Heaven 115

Gene Wolfe - The Adopted Father 117

Jo Clayton - Companioning 126